
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 5/30

No matter how troubled my thoughts today,
    I believe you desire my peace of mind..
No matter how poorly this day may go,
    I believe tomorrow will dawn with your grace...

No matter what troubles may burden my heart,
    I believe your touch can heal my pain...

I believe in tomorrow
    though today has failed me...

I believe in prayer
    when I've no words to pray...
I believe in the harvest
   when it's still in seed...

I believe in the truth
    when I cannot face it...

I believe in beauty
    when I'm lost in a wasteland...

I believe in joy
    when my heart's in grief...

I believe in love
    when I feel abandoned...

I believe in the sun
    in the dark of night...
I believe in you, Lord,
    when I need your help
        just to believe in you...






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