As I noted this morning, June is the month (and every Friday a day) dedicated to prayer to the Heart of Jesus. In that spirit, then...
Let us pray...
Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me...
Heart of Jesus, forgive me:
pardon my sins and offenses...
Heart of Jesus, cleanse me:
wash my heart of it shame and guilt...
Heart of Jesus, help me admit
the faults I'm slow to acknowledge...
Heart of Jesus, help me discover
how much I'm in need of your mercy...
Heart of Jesus, fill my heart
Heart of Jesus, help me admit
the faults I'm slow to acknowledge...
Heart of Jesus, help me discover
how much I'm in need of your mercy...
Heart of Jesus, fill my heart
with your gracious and generous love...
Heart of Jesus, embed my heart
Heart of Jesus, embed my heart
with your gentleness, kindness and mercy...
Heart of Jesus, ignite my heart
Heart of Jesus, ignite my heart
with the flame of your Spirit's fire...
Heart of Jesus, open my heart
to the gifts you offer me daily...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
Heart of Jesus, open my heart
to the gifts you offer me daily...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
those whose words have stung me...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
those whose deeds have betrayed me...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
those who have hurt me most deeply...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
those who don't ask for my pardon...
Heart of Jesus, help me accept
the amends of those who make them...
Heart of Jesus, help me forgive
as freely as you forgive me...
Heart of Jesus, open my heart
Heart of Jesus, open my heart
to the breadth and depth of your mercy
Heart of Jesus, open my mind
Heart of Jesus, open my mind
to your wisdom, your counsel and truth...
Heart of Jesus, bathe my soul
Heart of Jesus, bathe my soul
in fountains and springs of your grace...
Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me,
and bring me to life everlasting...
Heart of Jesus, protect me
and guard me night and day
that awake I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Heart of Jesus, Hear by Bukas Palad
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Teach our hearts to love like yours,
love of God most high!
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
keep us by your side!
Save us all from death and sin,
our King crucified.
Crowned with thorns and sorrow,
you give us new life.
Listen to our prayer! Heart of Jesus, hear!
Make us always yours, and hold us ever near.
Wherever we may go, whatever we may do,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.
Grant us grace and all good gifts,
heart of Christ, our Lord.
Make your holy presence
our home evermore!
Fill us with your light and life.
Guide us in your ways.
Justice, peace, and mercy
rule us all our days.
Listen to our prayer! Heart of Jesus, hear!
Make us always yours, and hold us ever near.
Wherever we may go, whatever we may do,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.
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