
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 6/22

I was more than happy on Thursday, Lord,
    to welcome the first day of summer
        - the longest day of the year! 

But now the days begin to grow shorter:
    slowly at first, by a second or two,
    by the fourth of July - half a minute
    and come September, three minutes a day...

Shorter, Lord - incrementally so -
    but no faster, no slower, day by day,
than my days since last December 
    have grown incrementally longer...

Time seems to move so slowly, Lord,
    except when it moves too quickly
 and time seems to move too quickly, Lord,
    except when it moves too slowly...
Like so many things in life, O Lord,
    the change in daylight is gradual,
I barely perceive it 'til I look back
    and see how my life has been changing,
slowly increasing, diminishing quickly, 
    focusing, fading, flourishing, failing
in seasons that summer their way into fall,
    and spring up from winter 
        in promise and hope...

So, let me not worry too much, O Lord,
    about missing a little daylight;
just help me live  through the summer ahead
    a day at a time and dawn to dusk,
meeting each day as your gift to me,
    your blessing of peace and joy...





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