
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 6/15

So many ads, everywhere I turn,
so many ads for Fathers Day gifts
and that's got me praying, Lord, praying:
    - for folks like me whose dads have died,
    - for those whose never knew their dad
    - for kids whose dads abandoned them,
    - for sons and daughters hurt by dad,
    - for those estranged by circumstance,
    - and for all, Lord, who for many reasons,
        never known their father's love...

For all of these, Lord,
Fathers Day's can be a hard day, a sad day,
    a day of missing someone much beloved
    or grieving now what never was, 
    or musing on what might have been...

So I'm praying today, Lord,
for all of us who, for one reason or another,
are without our dads this Fathers Day...
    - help us recapture our best memories 
        and celebrate them with joy; 
    - help us pardon what seems unforgivable
        and move beyond the haunting hurt;
    - help us make peace with the story that's ours
        and help to trust in your Fatherly care...




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