On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. Tonight our prayer reflects the image of the shepherd found in the first scripture and the gospel. In my homily today, I asked, "Who are the sheep the Lord entrusts to you, to your fold, to your care?" Tonight's prayer is a series of questions - only you can provide the answers for your prayer - take some time pondering the questions and answering them...
Who are the sheep in my sheepfold, Lord?
The ones I call by name:
in my family, my home, my household...
at work, at school, in my neighborhood...
in my parish and groups and clubs...
in my circle of friends and acquaintances...
And the ones I don't know:
newcomers and the passersby...
strangers clearly in need of my help...
loners who need to be welcomed in...
the abandoned who need to be claimed and loved...
How do you call me to shepherd them, Lord?
Give me a heart:
to lead them gently toward all that's good...
to mend and heal their hurt and pain...
to shelter them 'neath the roof of my heart...
to keep them safe when they're in harm's way...
to gather them in when they've drifted away...
You know your sheep and call them by name,
help me know mine, Lord, and keep them close
as close by my side as I am to yours,
you my Shepherd, my friend...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
I couldn't find a song about our shepherding others,
but here's a shepherd's tune that's new to me and my prayer...
Shepherd by CeCe Winans
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All our eyes on You Lord
All our hope in You Lord
All our trust in You Lord
All we want is You Lord
The Lord is our shepherd
The Lord is our helper
Oh-oh-oh Jesus lead us
And show us the way to follow You
All our eyes on You Lord
All our hope in You Lord
All our trust in You Lord
All we want is You Lord
The Lord is our shepherd
The Lord is our helper
Oh-oh-oh Jesus lead us
And show us the way to follow You
That's all I want to do
Oh-oh-oh Jesus lead us
And show us the way
My life is better
I like it better
When I am following You
My life is better And I like it better
When I am following You
In the good times it’s better
In the bad times it’s better
When I am following You
Oh, Jesus Sweet Jesus
When I am following You
My life is better
I like it better
When I am following You
My life is better And I like it better
When I am following You
The Lord is our shepherd
The Lord is our helper
Oh-oh-oh Jesus lead us
And show us the way to follow You
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