
Monday Morning Offering: 7/22

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

What  a gift is this day
and lest I forget,
remind me, Lord, of how my days come:
    - no more than one at a time...

They don't come in bunches,
in weeks, months or years -
only one at a time
    - and that's more than enough...

All my yesterdays are gone,
the past is behind me,
tomorrow's yet to come
   - a mystery yet unknown... 

You give me, Lord, one solitary day,
no more than that and,
I pray
    - no less...

So I offer you my day, Lord,
and pray that in its course I’ll find you
    walking by my side,
    pulsing in my heart,
    coloring my every thought,
    shaping all my choices,
    healing hurt and pain,
    forgiving me my sins,
    leading me to truth, 
    blessing me with wisdom,
    present in my prayer,
    helping me be strong,
    calling me to serve,
    and holding me in love...

I offer you this one day, Lord,
and pray I not be burdened
    by memories of the past,
    sorrows born of loss,
    worry of what’s yet to be,
    or fear of what's unknown,...

I offer you this one day, Lord, and pray
    my work will give you glory,
    my heart accept your help,
    my soul be filled with grace
    and my hands reach out
    to serve my neighbor's needs...

I offer you this one day,
help me offer it as gift
to all whose paths cross mine
from dawn until the sun goes down...

Receive my morning offering, Lord,
one day, no more nor less,
and at its end grant me a night
of peaceful sleep and rest...






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