
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 7/13

Sometimes, Lord,
the simplest things protect me:
   a visored cap
   the truth told
   sun tan lotion
   a neighbor's care
   my word given
   a knowing glance
   communion with you
   a strong arm
   mercy shared
   traffic lights
   a second chance 
   a warm memory
   a slower pace
   good advice
   a hand offered
   your grace and peace
   a band-aid 
   a watchful eye  
   a favorite song
   a second thought
   a deep breath
   a promise kept 
   a tree's shade
   an umbrella's dome
   a friend's embrace
   a warm coat
   a second look
   a wise word
   a hand to hold
   a pause for prayer
      reminding me you're near, Lord,
         reminding me you're here...

Sometimes, Lord,
the simplest things protect me:
  for all these simple things
  I give you thanks and praise...





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