I haven't posted this prayer for a number of years but I believe it's one that bears repeating. Here's my newest version...
Lord, sometimes I look back upon the last few days, the week just
past, and catch a glimpse or two (or more) of how your grace has brought
me to the present moment - through all those trials and troubles that seemed, just
yesterday, impossible, irreparable, impassable...
But, here I am tonight, Lord, and with your help I've made it through the days just past - and only by your grace... No, all things haven't been resolved but I am here, with you, and there's no safer place for me to be...
But, here I am tonight, Lord, and with your help I've made it through the days just past - and only by your grace... No, all things haven't been resolved but I am here, with you, and there's no safer place for me to be...
I so often miss your helping hand and all the ways you reach out to encourage and support me. You lift me up when I am down. You lead me on when I hang back. You draw me out of my resentment, my anger and self-pity...
I let myself get in the way, Lord: I look down instead of up, I look in instead of out, I think the worst and not the best, I give up hope when hope's exactly what I need the very most...
I get in my own way, Lord, and I trip over disappointment, fear and worry. I get in my own way and fail to see you're there for me in just the ways I need you. I get in my own way, Lord, and miss the many ways you call to me:
Wake up! Get up! Shape up! Grow up! Step up!
Face up
to whatever lies before you!
And remember: I'm here right by your side...
One day at a time is all you ask of me... and every day is just how often you reach out to bring me through the toil, troubles and trials that seemed, just yesterday, impossible, impassable, irreparable...
Lord, sometimes I look back upon the last few days, the week just past, and catch a glimpse or two (or more) of how your grace has brought me safe thus far. Open all my senses, Lord, and open my mind and heart to your presence and to all the grace you offer me: each day, every day, one day at a time...
Keep me out of my own way, Lord, and help me follow on the path where your love always helps and heals and lifts me up.
One day at a time is all you ask of me... and every day is just how often you reach out to bring me through the toil, troubles and trials that seemed, just yesterday, impossible, impassable, irreparable...
Lord, sometimes I look back upon the last few days, the week just past, and catch a glimpse or two (or more) of how your grace has brought me safe thus far. Open all my senses, Lord, and open my mind and heart to your presence and to all the grace you offer me: each day, every day, one day at a time...
Keep me out of my own way, Lord, and help me follow on the path where your love always helps and heals and lifts me up.
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
See Me Through It! by Brandon Heath
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