
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 7/14

no matter what's going in the world right now,
nearby, at home or across the seas:
    morning will break
    and the sun that shone 
    at the dawn of creation
    will shine this morning on me...
no matter what's going on in my life right now,
in my mind and heart, in my hopes and dreams,
    morning will break
    and the sun that shone
    when the earth was born
    will shine on my face today...
no matter how anxious I am today,
whatever my troubles and trials,
    morning will break
    and your Son who rose 
    on Easter morn
    will rise in my heart today...
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning,
    born of the one light Eden saw play;
I praise you, Lord, I praise elation
    your recreation of this new day!


Morning Has Broken, sung by Cat Stevens

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