
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 9/1

Work, Lord, is what I:
    do and avoid
    love and hate
    need and ignore
    thrive on, put off
    look for, hide from
    want, reject
    relish, despise
    overdo, skip
    share, possess
    quit and begin... 

I work at many things, Lord:
    my job
    my past
    my marriage
    my vocation
    my present
    my family
    my prayer
    my hobby
    my trust
    my health
    my future
    my worry 
    my belief
    my home
    my happiness
    my growth
    my leisure
    my education
    my future

My work, Lord:
    rules and frees me
    weakens and strengthens me
    separates and connects me
    distracts and focuses me
    hurts and heals me
    empties and fills me
    pushes and pulls me
    annoys and gratifies me
    saps and energizes me
    questions and answers me
    delights and saddens me
    consumes and develops me
    ruins and saves me...
Bless me, Lord, in the work I do:
    with the prudence to plan it
    the mind to engage it
    the desire to begin it
    the strength to do it
    the grit to keep at it
    the grace to collaborate
    the will to complete it
    the wisdom to take my rest
    the desire to share the harvest I reap
    and to give you, Lord, my thanks and praise
        for the work of my heart and hands...




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