
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 8/31

On this Labor Day weekend, 
let's spend some time reflecting 
on the work God is doing in each us us, 
day by day...

Help me see, Lord,
   how I'm always you're work in progress...

Help me trust, Lord,
   that you're always fine-tuning me,
      always working to bring to completion
         the work you've begun in me...
Help me be patient with myself, Lord,
    with my growth in wisdom and grace...
Help me be patient, Lord,
    with how you're growing me,
how I'm changing 
    - and how long  my growing takes...
Help me see that suffering and pain
   are rooting me in rich soil, 
       in the solid ground of my being...
Help me trust the roots I put down 
    when I cannot see any surface growth...
And help me be patient with others, Lord, 
    when their growth is clumsy and slow
        -actually, just like mine...
And when my time for harvest comes,
   give me courage to bloom and bear fruit
and the faith I need to yield and share
    all the good work you've done in my life,
       all the blessings and gifts I've received...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

He Who Began A Good Work In You by Steve Green

If a video doesn't appear below, click here

He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He'll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you

If the struggle you're facing
Is slowly replacing
Your hope with despair
Or the process is long
And you're losing your song in the night

You can be sure
That the Lord has His hand on you
Safe and secure
He will never abandon you
You are His treasure
And He finds His pleasure in you

He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He'll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you
Ooh, you…




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