
Monday Morning Offering: 9/30

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
This morning, Lord,
I offer you one huge, grateful, heartfelt
sigh of relief!
    because at this point in my life
    all things loom larger
    than ever they did before...
    because I know
    that all good gifts flow freely
    from your generous, open hand...
And heartfelt:
    for deep in my soul
    I know, I pray and I deeply trust
    you're right there by my side...

And, Lord, I've something else 
to offer to you this morning:
    I offer you the hopes and dreams,
    the impatience and apprehension,
    the prospects and expectancy
    - the held breath -
    of those who wait this day
    for good news and good reason 
    for one, huge, 
    grateful, heartfelt
    sigh of pure relief...
Be generous, Lord, and tarry not
in granting and planting, 
and thrilling us 
with the grace and gifts of your largesse:
    your holy, healing, saving touch
    on all that waits within us
    to exhale in thanks 
    and praise...





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