
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 9/9

I first posted this in 2021 and then again in '22 and '23, each year adding a few more simple things for which I'm truly grateful - as I do tonight...  You might take some time to make your own list of simple things (and some things not so simple) for which you're truly grateful...
Just musing, Lord,
at the end of day,
on some simple things 
(and some things not so simple)
for which I'm truly grateful...
Simple things like:
   a summer's day
   a child's eyes, open wide in wonder
   a friend's hand on my shoulder
   freedom (I too easily take for granted)
   even a hint of Jesus' presence at my side 
   Georgetown, Colorado
   the close harmony of a cappella voices
   a starry sky on a clear night
   a bed to sleep in
   a friend's face in a crowd
   being alive and well at 77
   memories of my porch in Monument Square 
   my family of origin 
   feeling seen, known, understood, accepted
   picking up with an old friend - right where we left off 
   breakfast, lunch and dinner
   sensing how God's Spirit is moving in my life
   reading something I wish I'd written 
   my faith
   good music, well played, beautifully sung
   childhood memories of Christmas
   every day of 51 years of ministry
   people without pretense, guile or hidden agenda 
   hope, even and especially in hellish times
   flowering trees budding and blooming
   happy memories of loved ones and good times
   the mercy of God
   sad memories connecting me with what and whom I've lost
   hearty laughter 
   the sun's warmth on my skin
   a well-written poem
   my friends, old and new, remembered and forgotten 
   the Cape, especially Hyannis
   watching the growth of crops along familiar roads
   a loyal friend
   cold drinks on hot days and coffee any time
   writing a well turned phrase 
   good news of any kind
   looking up and seeing a full moon 
   proclaiming and preaching the Word of God
   having dinner on my sister's porch
   the generous depths of the mercy of God
   a clean shave, a hot shower 
   sharing with others in faith, in prayer 
   finally getting around to doing what needed to be done
   Starbucks' egg whites with roasted peppers
   the kiss of a breeze, the push of the wind 
   memories of friends who've forgotten me
   a rainbow
   critique that helps me change and grow 
   a day with no bad news
   crossing the Sagamore Bridge - east bound!
   waves lapping the shore and my toes
   the peace of a sleeping baby
   remembering what I'd forgotten 
   classic jazz 
   a soft rain, a driving rain
   a kind word from or to a stranger
   leading others to God, to prayer, to peace
   word that my friend is doing better
   praying with the men at Clear Creek County Jail
   living in sweatpants and hoodies
   presiding at the Lord's Table 
   embraces, hugs and squeezes
   telling the truth 
   writing my blog
   a friend who (always) has my back
   the satisfaction of a job well done
   Sauvignon Blanc (New Zealand)
   birdsong at dawn
   human imagination
   knowing when to speak - and when not to speak 
   Woods Hill Table's mesclun greens salad                           
   photos of loved ones I miss
   quiet time, lots and lots of quiet time 
   walking into any place where everybody knows your name
   raindrops on the roof, on the window, on my face
   a word - when I need to hear one
   the peace of being in prayer
   the wisdom of human experience
   a good cry
   staying up too late, sleeping in 'til ......
   a real letter in the mail 
   sourdough and dark rye bread
   being on time
   finishing the Sunday NYT crossword
   the bridge over Clear Creek at 8th and Griffith
   seeing my work bear fruit
   the quiet consolation of a friend who understands
   sounds and scents that unlock memories
   arriving on time
   serving others' needs
   seeking and finding the truth
   a good night's sleep
   picking up my dry cleaning
   watching a dad watch his son with love
   long weekends
   silence: longed for, found and healing
   doing the next right thing
   blueberry muffins in the morning
   the amazing grace of Jesus
   laundry done, folded, put away
   an owl's song in the night
   the patience others have with me 
   a quarter century in Concord
   leaving behind some foolishness
   the sound of the song of people at prayer
   trusting that all shall be well - and finding how true that is
   exchanging smiles with a stranger
   making peace with my neighbor, with God, with myself
   praying with those who gather in my virtual chapel
   living in the moment, a day at a time
   discovering, remembering, believing 
        that I am truly loved...
Just musing, Lord,
at the end of day,
on some simple things 
(and some things not so simple)
for which I'm truly grateful...
for which I'm truly grateful...
Thank you, Lord, for all these gifts
    and for gifts that I've forgotten,
    gifts I've yet to open,
    gifts I've yet to find
    and the gifts you've yet to give me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
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'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we will not be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.




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