
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 9/21

I meet with a group of friends who read books together. We read slowly, just a few chapters at a time.  Presently, we're making our way through Thomas Merton's Seeds of ContemplationHe wrote this in 1961 but many passages are uncannily apt for our own times - and prayer...

"When people live huddled together without true communication, there seems to be a greater sharing, and a more genuine communion. But this is not communion, only immersion in the general meaninglessness of countless slogans and clichés repeated over and over again so that in the end one listens without hearing and responds without thinking. The constant din of empty words and machine noises, the endless booming of loudspeakers end by making true communication and true communion almost impossible. Each individual in the mass is insulated by thick layers of insensibility.  Individuals don't care, they don't hear, they don't think. They do not act, they are pushed. They do not talk, they produce conventional sounds when stimulated by the appropriate noises. They don't think, they secrete clichés."

Lord, we live, huddled,  
    in the world of social media.*

We long to communicate, to be in communion,
    it's what we desire, what we seek
but too often our efforts 
in countless waves of cliches and slogans
    washing around and within us...

We insulate ourselves 
    from words that embody
        and truth that saves,
    from communion that feeds 
        and nurtures the soul
    from the life that leads
        to your mystery's heart
    where in your knowing us
        we, at last, know ourselves...

Give us the grace, Lord,
    to care as you do
        to hear with your heart,
    to act with your patience
        and speak with your wisdom...
But most of all, deliver us, Lord,
    from ourselves to you,
        to communion with you
            and all who seek you,
        and in seeking you
    find their true selves...
But most of all, deliver us, Lord,
    from ourselves to you,
to communion with you
    and all who seek you
and in seeking you
    find their true selves...
- 5.17 billion people use social media worldwide,
- Of the world’s population (18 y.o.+)  
    86.1% are active on social media
- Of 5.45 billion internet users, 
    94.9% are active users
- Of of 5.68 billion unique mobile phone users, 
    91% are active users 


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