
NIGHT PRAYER: Rosh Hoshanah 2024

At sundown today, our Jewish neighbors and friends begin their celebration of a new year. Rosh Hashana, a major two-day observance, ushers in a 10-day period of self-examination and repentance. During this period Jews review their individual relationships with God, the Supreme Judge. A distinctive feature of the liturgy is the blowing of the ram’s horn (see video below) calling God's people to a spiritual awakening and prayers for a sweet new year.  This year, Rosh Hashana finds the world darkened by international conflict, terrorism and war.  We would all do well to examine our own hearts, pray for God's mercy and pray for a year of peace...
Tonight's prayer was written by my friend, Alden Solovy who blogs at ToBendLight.
God of what was and what will be,
Of what might have been and might still be.
God of past and future,
Of memories and beginnings.
God of the finite and the infinite,
Of moments and possibilities.
What is my life?
And what of my death?
What of my choices?
And what of my future?
What of this distance?
And what of the endless sky?
What of the darkness?
And what of the light?
God of the seen and unseen,
Of the known and unknowable.
Teach me patience and understanding
As the mysteries of my life unfold.
Teach me to live gently, love generously,
And to walk with strength and confidence.
Teach me to give and to receive,
Sharing Your blessings in joy and sorrow.
Teach me to see others through Your eyes,
As children of God.
And teach me to see myself and my life as You do,
With love.
Blessed are You, Adonai,
Source of life,
Guardian and Shelter,
You set Your people on the path of righteousness,
Holiness and charity,
Kindness and grace,
To return to You in service.
Blessed is Your Holy Name.
- from  
CCAR Press 2017

Pervasive Peace 
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Y’hi ratzon mil’fanecha, Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu,
Shehashanah habaah tavi shalom muchlat v’shaleim 
Al kol yosh’vei teiveil, 
Mei-eiver l’chol chalomot haenoshut.

May it be Your will, God of our fathers and mothers, 
That the year ahead bring a pervasive and complete peace 
On all the inhabitants of the earth, 
Beyond all the dreams of humanity.
Blowing the Shofar on Rosh Hashana 
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