
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 10/3

What wisdom here, Lord!
Sadness is on me...
I suppose it's the difference between
    "I'm walking in the rain..."
    "I'm drowning in the river..."
Though sadness might shawl my shoulders, Lord,
    it needn't consume my heart...

Though grief may veil my tear-stained face,
    it needn't siphon the joy from my soul...

Though shame may cloak my integrity
    it needn't smother my hopes and my dreams...

I often walk in the rain, Lord,
    but your sure, strong arm is always there
        to rescue me from drowning...

Since sadness is sometimes on me, Lord,
    fill my mind with your holy wisdom,
    my heart with your healing grace,
    my body with spirit and life
    and my soul with your tender mercy...


See here for more...




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