
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 10/10

    a litany of seasonal images,
    a simple guitar solo,
    a question to spark our prayer...


    summer fades,

    time flies,

    sun hides,

    seasons turn,

    colors change,

    leaves fall,

    rain pours,

    harvests yield,

    air chills,

    frost numbs,

    shadows lengthen,

    night falls,

    silence stills,

    Spirit visits,

    grace attends,

    God whispers,

    I pray...

What word and wisdom
    are you whispering to me tonight, Lord?

A word of comfort? a word of challenge?
    a word of blessing? a word of _____?

Autumn Hymn by Dong Hwan Noh 

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Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

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