
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 10/24

The election's almost here
    - many have already voted -
and I find myself wondering, Lord:
    if you were a candidate
        - would you be elected?      

If you were running for office, Lord,
your campaign would be honest, transparent:
    no need for running a fact-check
    on your stump speeches, statements and ads...
 But folks who'd hear you would ask:
    Did you hear what he said?
    Does he mean all of that?
    Who can possibly take him seriously?
Your campaign promises would be many:
    an end to all war and violence,
        and peace for those who make it; 
    a universal sharing of resources
        - beginning with those most in need;
    respect and reverence for life,
        in all of its shapes and forms
    welcoming all of God's children,
        regardless of where they come from;
    justice for all the oppressed;
    pardon for those who freely forgive;
    housing and work for all who need it;
    toppling the mighty from seats of power
        and filling the hungry with all good things…     

Your government, Lord, would be flawless: 
    leadership marked by personal sacrifice; 
    legislation rooted in truth that serves;
    liberty bound by personal responsibility; 
    freedom in all that's authentically human;
    justice tempered with mercy divine;
    an administration seeking
        e pluribus unum...
All your policies would be grounded
in unapologetic preference and care for
    the defenseless innocent: 
    the sick and the elderly;
    those waiting to be born.
    the poor, the marginalized, 
    the refugee and the stranger;
    and victims of violence, power and greed...  

But your name won't be on the ballot, Lord
    so send your Spirit to guide my study
    of candidates, policies, platforms and promises
and help me decide how I’ll cast my vote…     

Open my mind to all sides of the issues
    lest I vote uninformed on the crucial matters 
of poverty, prosperity, peace and war, 
    life and death, responsibilities, duties and rights...

Help me see through the memes and the hype, Lord,
    lest I vote on the basis of snark and hype
of looks and appearances, 
    political ads and polls...

Give me counsel to make a wise choice
    when the choices before me fail to offer 
what I seek and expect and require
    of one who would govern your people…   

Make of me a discerning disciple, Lord,
    and empower me to cast my vote
as the truth of your Word and my conscience,
as my faith, common sense and intelligence,
    would lead me to choose and to vote...      



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