
Yom Kippur

Each year I direct our prayerful attention, here in our virtual chapel, to some of the holy days on the Jewish calendar: Rosh Hashana (beginning a new year) last week and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) today.

This year, Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Friday, Ocotber 11 and ends at sunset tomorrow, October 12.

In traditional Judasim, repentance consists of remorse having committed a sin, resolving not to commit that sin in the future, and confessing that sin before God. While repentance for one's sins can and should be done at any time, it is considered especially desirable during the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and particularly on Yom Kippur itself.  Thus, the Yom Kippur prayers contain extended confessions which list varieties of errors and sins, and to which one can add their own missteps, along with requests for forgiveness from God.

While we don't "keep" these feasts as Christians, they invite us to prayer in profound ways.  This morning I turn again to Alden Solovy over at To Bend Light and one of his prayers for Yom Kippur.

There is something else,
God of Old,
I must show You.
    It’s dark
    And secret.
    Part sadness.
    Part anger.
    Part fear.
There is something else,
God of Old,
I must tell You.
    It’s hard
    And heavy.
    Part pride.
    Part guilt.
    Part shame.
There is something else,
God of Old,
I need from You.
    It’s ancient
    And new.
    Part Torah.
    Part Mitzvot.*
    Part joy and love and light.
God of Justice,
God of Mercy,
Hear my plea.
Wait for me to return to You.
Listen as I confess to You.
Stay as I struggle to live my life as a blessing,
According to Your wisdom,
According to Your law,
According to Your word.
© 2011 Alden Solovy and To Bend Light

*There are 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah,  the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures.

This song is sung at the end of the morning service on Yom Kippur. 

Today may You strengthen us,
Today may You bless us,
Today may You exalt us, Amen. 

Today may You grant us well-being,
Today may You inscribe us for a good life,
Today may You hear our cry, Amen.
Today may You sustain us 
    in Your righteousness, Amen.








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