
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 2/6

O, Lord!
You've spent the day snowing us in, 
    slowing our steps
        - and hitting our pause button...

And sometimes, Lord, that's just what we need.
We need to be interrupted,
    inconvenienced, stopped in our tracks
        by the pure, soft beauty of your presence, 
settling gently, flake by snowy flake,
    dressing us and all around
        in a garment of pure grace...

Let the snow fall on our upturned faces, Lord,
    and like children catching snow flakes on the tongue,
        we'll taste the sweetness of your wintry gift...

Photo: Jeff Holmes

And snow angels, Lord!
Have we grown too old 
    for making angels in the snow?
Send some snowy angels, then, 
    to make of us the children
        you made us all to be...


Let your touch melt our souls, Lord,
as the snow chills our limbs
and draw us to your heart
where the fire of your love
burns with snapping, crackling beauty,
bright and warm, this wintry night...

And remind us, Lord,
of those burdened by the cold
and those who serve and shelter them,
- and those who plow and clear our streets
making safe our way from here to there
and back to home again...

And when the snow's been shoveled
and our pace is quick again,
keep us mindful of these moments
when the blanket of your presence
calmed and warmed our shivering hearts
and brought us close to you...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


(Two musical offerings tonight: the first as playful as snow angels - enjoy! and the second, as prayerful and reflective as new fallen snow...)
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Let It Snow by Alfonso Gugliucci


Winter Solitude by Ekaterina





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