
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 3/4

Depending on when you read this, tomorrow or today is Ash Wednesday.

There was a time when Ash Wednesday would see hordes of people streaming into churches to be signed with an ashen cross on their foreheads. Folks who seldom or never went to church would not fail to show up on Ash Wednesday.

My contemporary experience, however, tells me that our Ash Wednesday numbers are often smaller than the regular weekend crowds - which have, themselves, dwindled in these post-Covid years.

Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation but it is a unique day on the church calendar and a powerful way to begin the Lenten season.
I heartily encourage you to make the time to get to church tomorrow to pray and  to be marked with ashes as we begin the season of Lent. The first step in any venture is always a significant one and Ash Wednesday is the starting line for the 40 days ahead of us.
Let us pray...
For the whole church
    as we begin our annual pilgrimage to Easter,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For a warm welcome
    to those who come back to church
        this Ash Wednesday 
            we pray to you, Lord...
For those longing 
    for a deeper faith and hope in God,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For those waiting to hear your voice
    in the scriptures and in their prayer,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For those who seek this Lent
    a healing in mind, body and spirit,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For all who pass this Lent
    in grief, in prison, in fear,
        in poverty, and in harm's way,
            we pray to you, Lord...
For hearts and minds open
    to all the gifts, blessings and grace
        you have in store for us this Lent,
            we pray to you, Lord... 

For all who are preparing this Lent
    for the Easter sacraments of
        baptism, confirmation and eucharist,
            we pray to you, Lord...
For the power of the Holy Spirit 
    to open our minds and hearts this Lent
        to all your blessings, gifts and grace,
            we pray to you, Lord...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Ashes to Ashes by Dan Schutte
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