
Pause for Prayer: ASH WEDNESDAY 3/5

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The first day of spring 
    is still two weeks away
but beginning today, Ash Wednesday,
    a springtime of grace begins
        in purple and prayer, 
        in fasting and ashes,
        inviting us all to new life in Christ...
Help us remember, Lord, 
    that Lent is spring training
        for our minds, hearts and souls:
    time to strengthen what's weak
        and tone up what's gone soft;
    time to remember things we've forgotten,
    time to let go what we really don't need
        and to find what we truly need the most...

Help us remember, Lord,
that Lent is the grace of a new beginning: 
    a time for taking stock,
    a time to look within,
    a time to be honest 
        about our faults and failings,
    a time to ask for your pardon 
        and make amends,
    a time to fast 
        from what does us no good
    and to feast 
        on what nourishes body and soul;
Lent is a time, a season, a chance
    to set things right between you and us
        and any we've hurt or offended...
 Lent is a time to seek peace,
    a time to make peace,
    a time to live in peace,
    a time to be grateful for peace,
        the peace, Lord, that only you can give... 
Help me remember, Lord,
that Lent's a season of your grace: 
    a time to speak to you in prayer,
    a time to listen for your voice,
    a time to study your Word,
    a time to seek your truth and wisdom
    a time to live as you call us to live...

Help me remember, Lord,
that Lent's a time to be mercifully generous:
    a time for us to give more freely 
        of all we have to give,
    to give more and more
        of the bounty that's ours,
    a time to tend to our neighbor's needs,
    a time to reach out to the poor,
    a time to empty ourselves for others,
        not stopping to count the cost to me...

Lord, we're longing for the spring to come
    with its promise of light and new life
so help us begin, now, 
    to turn our hearts to you this Lent,
    for this springtime of your grace
        in our minds, our hearts and souls...





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