

Image: BostonCatholic.org

As I noted in an earlier post, Cardinal Sean O'Malley posted a teaser in his blog last Friday that an important announcement would be made in his blog today, March 17.

Drum roll, please!

The Archdiocese of Boston has launched a new web site and you can visit at


I hope you will take a look! My first glance at it leaves me positively impressed and I definitely find it to be a big improvement over its incarnation. The video features on the home page are well presented and inviting. Plenty of nifty features - but I'll let you explore and find them. One small complaint: I'd change "Faith Resources" on the menu to "Links" or "Links to Faith Resources." Might also be helpful to include feed from other Catholic new agencies in addition to The Pilot. Overall, however, I think this is a good job and will be a great asset for the Archdiocese.

I've added BostonCatholic.org to the sidebar on the right for easy reference when you visit here.



  1. I look forward to the Cardinal adding the list of priests credibly accused of sexual abuse in the RCAB to the new website, (as mentioned in a recent Michael Paulson article) soon.

  2. Michael, I agree. Long overdue!


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