Very often, Lord, I don't see it coming,
don't see it happening,
don't see how silently and subtly
the pieces of my story
move slowly into place
and in unexpected ways
change the contours of existence,
the path of my life's journey
my view of how things are
and the tender, fragile balance
of happiness and sorrow
in my soul...
Very often, Lord, I don't see it coming
even though no day goes by
without some clues and hints
of what may come
and what will change
or what may turn around,
turn on me
or turn my whole world
upside down
and from the inside out
upset the oh-so-fragile balance
of happiness and sorrow
in my heart...
Of course, sometimes, Lord,
I miss or I deny what's clearly just ahead of me
when worry blurs my vision
or fear warps my perspective,
of my dread of the inevitable
blinds me
to the shifting, changing elements
that test the fragile balance
of happiness and sorrow
in every human life...
So, ready me
for what I'm not expecting, Lord,
and steady me
when nature takes its course
and in all times
be my strength and my protection,
my wisdom and my truth,
my harbor and my haven,
a place for me to shelter
when the twists and turns of life
try the oh-so-fragile balance
of happiness and sorrow
in my soul...
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Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble,
be with me, Lord, I pray!
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord most high,
who abide in the shadow of our God,
say to the Lord, "My refuge and fortress,
the God in whom I trust!"
Be with me, Lord...
No evil shall befall you, no pain come near,
for the angels stand close by your side
guarding you always and bearing you gently,
watching over your life.
Be with me, Lord...
Those who cling to the Lord live secure in God's love
lifted high those who trust in God's name
Call on your Lord who will never forsake you,
God will bring you salvation and joy.
Be with me, Lord...
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