
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 10/8

When fall comes 'round each year, Lord,
I wonder if, by night,
you climb down from the heavens,
perhaps on some great ladder,
to paint the leaves, one by one, 
in all their autumn glory...

And I muse upon the question
of how it is you might decide
on which trees first are chosen, deemed
deserving of your brush...

Why the ash - and not the maple?
Why those elms but not the mighty oak,
so close, just down the street?

And it seems you hop from tree to tree, painting
branches here and branches there
with lots of green left in between
until there comes another night
the blessing of your palatte
to complete what you've begun...

And the colors, Lord!
I love the orange, yellow, red
but wonder if you favor
the purple, rust and brown:
    do we see with different eyes?
    whose eye beholds the deeper beauty?
    is the beauty in the changing?
The wonder in my reverie 
probes wisdom, grace and mystery
and you alone, the artist,
know the secrets of fall's glory...
And then in just a few short weeks
the leaves in all their beauty 
will lose their grip on branch and limb
and fall, spill and swirl
in November's chilly gusts
to carpet earth for winter's snow...
Draw my eye, my heart and soul
to the beauty you reveal
when night by night and day by day
you climb down from the heavens,
perhaps on some great ladder,
to paint the leaves, just one by one,
in all their autumn glory...
All photos by CP in Concord, MA 10/7/22





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