
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY

Photoshop of a painting by Sir Frederick Leighton

At an easel, 
the artist looks to the subject,
then to the canvas, 
dipping a brush,
mixing and making

And from skilled and patient strokes 
(some swift, some painstakingly,
carefully made) 
there comes to life a face, 
a scene, 
a 'scape...
With just such strokes, Lord,
paint me to be
the person you imaged
in your mind's eye
since long before 
all time 
From your palette, Lord,
and with your brush,
tease out the beauty
your heart finds so deep in mine
and let me see what you see
on the canvas
of my life...

With your palette knife give texture
to the contours of my being: make bold
what I'm so quick to hide, 
diminish and deny...
Stretch the canvas of my soul
and paint upon it 
all you made my life to be
and to become...
Make me grateful for your artistry,
the grace of your design,
for the masterpiece you want to make
of all I am and have...


Image by Victor Wagner


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