Sometimes I worry, Lord,
and I guess that's only human
but sometimes I worry as if I've forgotten
some things I say I believe in...
I worry and grieve the sins of my past
as if I've forgotten your saving mercy;
I'm troubled by this day's problems and pain
as if I've forgotten your healing presence;
I fear the unknown tomorrow may bring
as if I've forgotten you'll be there before me...
I worry and fret as if I've forgotten
that you have my back,
that you're right by my side,
that you always desire my peace and well-being...
I lament and I worry as if I've forgotten
that I'm your beloved, your chosen, your own,
that you hold me with care
in the palm of your hand...
I dwell on my fears as if I've forgotten
your love is my shelter
your Spirit's my guide,
your mercy my strength and my shield...
I dread what may come as if I've forgotten
my life is a mystery (to me - not to you);
you see past my worry and ask me to trust
that all manner of things shall be well...
I brood over troubles as if I've forgotten
your wisdom and word are the light on my path,
your grace is sufficient to carry me through,
in my weakness your power's made perfect...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
All Your Anxiety by Edward H. Joy
Arranged and performed by Anne MacCallum
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Is there a heart o'erbound by sorrow?
Is there a life weighed down by care?
Come to the Cross, each burend bearing;
All your anxiety - leave it there.
All your anxiety, all your care,
Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there,
Never a burden he cannot bear,
Never a friend like Jesus!
No other friend so keen to help you,
No other friend so quick to hear,
No other place to leave your burden,
Not other one to hear your prayer...
Come then at once; delay no longer!
Heed his entreaty kind and swee,
You need not fear a disappointment,
You shall find peace at the mercy seat.
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